On Sunday, October 29th, germanist and performer Hans van der Veen will give a talk on Goethe’s famous epistolary novel Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers (The sufferings of young Werther). The novel, published in 1774, was Goethe’s first novel, and made Goethe almost overnight into one of the most famous authors. Young Werther, falls head over heels in love with Charlotte. She however chooses Albert to be her husband. Devastated by her choice, Werther borrows a pistol from Albert and kills himself. Van der Veen will not only tell us about the meaning of book in the Sturm und Drang context and the consequences of its publication in 18th century Germany, but also talk on the life on one of the most famous of German authors, Johann Wolfgang van Goethe!

So don’t miss the fifth event in Mayflower’s Great Books series and learn all this fascinating novel!

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