Sunday January 28, 2024: 16.00

In April 1816, the notorious George, sixth Lord Byron, was leaving England for the final time. Hounded by increasingly damaging accusations – of adultery, sodomy (then a capital offence), and incest with his half-sister – he was escaping to the continent. Second perhaps only to the Italian libertine Giacomo Casanova, he remains one of the most notorious seducers of the Georgian era.

2024 marks the bicentenary of Byron’s death, and many commemorations of his death and celebrations of his poetry take place across the globe; reason enough for Mayflower Bookshop to dedicate our Poetry Week Event to this great English poet! On Sunday January 28, Wim Tigges, literary scholar and anglicist, will take us on a journey through Byron’s scandalous life and great poetry, and show us why Byron’s poetry still has much to offer us and fascinates us even after 200 years!

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