In a packed Mayflower Bookshop, the audience listened spellbound as French coach and literature expert Coco Hoek talked to us about the great French author and her succès de scandale, Bonjour Tristesse.  

In this sixth Great Loves lecture, Hoek gave us an insight into Sagan, her writings and her life, as well as into the term ‘saganesque’. With humour and understanding, she enlightened us about the irritation Sagan felt as time and again critics would concentrate on her life instead of on her work, even though she won a number of literary prizes.

The afternoon ended with a fascinating dialogue between Sagan and the journalist writing her necrology, dramatized by Hoek and performed by Freek Bouricius and Roland the Ligny of the Mayflower Theatre Company.

A (renewed) acquaintance with this wonderful author and her work!

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